<2021 version held for the first time in Japan> More than 800 items such as limited goods that appeared …
[Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store] Gourmet trips around Japan “New Year’s special dish”
■ Session: January 7th (Thursday) to 14th (Thursday), 2021 * Closed at 4:00 pm on the last day ■ Venue: Main B…
Reconstruction support sales event “Michinoku Iimon Umaimon” held in 3 prefectures in Tohoku
The Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation will hold a "Michinoku Iimon …
[Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store] Eat and start eating! Hokkaido seafood & meat gourmet, “Hokkaido feast relay” held during the year-end and New Year holidays
■ Session: December 27, 2020 (Sun) -January 5, 2021 (Tue) * Closed at 7:00 pm on December 31 (Thursday) and 4:…
“Aurora Night” healed by the aurora and the starry sky Planetarium “Starry Globe” traveling around the world Screening at the planetarium “Manten” from January 29, 2021
To the world with a planetarium. Two works that I want to deliver now. Konica Minolta Planetarium "Manten…
Japan’s largest full-scale exhibition of pretty flowers blooming in early spring and “Christmas rose” 19th World Exhibition of Christmas Rose
Held from February 19th (Friday) to February 21st (Sunday), 2021 At Sunshine City (Ikebukuro, Tokyo), we will …
Notice of opening of “VR amusement park in the night sky” “New amusement park in the new normal era that can be enjoyed at home or indoors”
Date: December 15, 2020 (Tuesday) -January 31, 2021 (Sunday) The digital content “VR Amusement Pa…
[Sunshine Aquarium] I see! I see! I see! “Zokuzoku Deep Sea Life 2021”
January 15th (Friday) -March 7th (Sunday), 2021 At the Sunshine Aquarium (Ikebukuro, Tokyo), the fifth …
[The potato boom has arrived! ] The grilled potato specialty store “Kogumaya” will open at Uber Eats in Shibuya and Ikebukuro from December 14th (Monday) at the same time! Luxury home time with high-class roasted sweet potato sweets!
Enjoy the new sensation of "roasted sweet potato x ice cream" at home! TBI JAPAN Co., Ltd. will open…
トキワ荘通りお休み処 来館者10万人突破 「観て・読んで・買って」まち全体でマンガ文化を満喫 ~マンガミュージアムも3万人目前~
「トキワ荘マンガミュージアム」のショップ兼案内処として人気の「トキワ荘通りお休み処」の来館者が、令和2年11月29日(日曜)に10万人を突破しました。 ミュージアム観覧後にゆかりのあるマンガ家…